Teen Book Exchange, May 21, Brunswick, Maryland American Legion

While the Friends are all about the Library, we also want to do our part to promote reading, especially among young people. The event detailed below is not a Friends of the Library or a Library event, but may be something that interests our fellow book lovers.


Are you a teenager who loves to read? Do you know such a teenager?12933169_258377741170614_5561258755923895716_n

Do you have books that you’ve read that you would like to trade for new (to you) books?

Would you like a chance to win a gift card to McDonalds, Starbucks, or Chipotle?

Then come to the Teen Book Exchange, on May 21, 2016, from 10AM to Noon, at the American Legion in Brunswick, Maryland. Those who RSVP on SignUp genius and attend the event will be put in a drawing for those gift cards. Bring 5 books, and you’ll get vouchers to get 6!

The event is free and leftover books will be donated to the Frederick Community Action Agency to be distributed to homeless teens in Frederick County.



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