Volunteers Needed – October 6&7

As you may or may not know, the annual used book sale at Brunswick Railroad Days is our biggest event of the year, not to mention our primary fundraiser. Believe it or not, October 6 is a scant month away. We need your help to make it successful.
We would appreciate a donation of a couple of hours of your time on October 6 and/or October 7 during Railroad Days. We need help with book sales, organizing the books, and especially with setup (on Saturday) and breakdown (on Sunday). No previous experience necessary!
Not sure if volunteering is for you? Bring a friend! “Many hands make light work” as the saying goes.
Got teenagers? Got teenagers who need volunteer hours? This is a perfect opportunity, and we always need young, strong backs during setup and breakdown.
Have a truck that we can use to transport the books the two blocks from our storage to our location for the sale? Please let us know!
There are three ways you can sign up:
  1. Go to SignUpGeniushttps://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050f4daca62da64-friends2
    (This is the best way)
  2. Email us (folbrunswick@gmail.com) with your preferred shifts (see below)
  3. Call us (240-285-9583) with your preferred shifts (see below)
We need people for these time slots:
Saturday, October 6
7:30-10:00 Setup
10:00-12:00 Sales
12:00-2:30 Sales
2:30-5:00 Sales (and cover-up)
Sunday, October 7
10:00-12:00 Sales
12:00-2:00 Sales
2:00-4:00 Sales
4:00-6:00 Sales/Breakdown/Cleanup
A note about signups: The past couple of years have seen some mercurial weather. We’re asking everyone to provide a contact telephone number so that we can get in touch with you in case last-minute decisions need to be made. As always, your information is safe with us. We will never sell, give away, or otherwise reveal your contact information.